Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is this site?

The Shows section of Phoenix Show Systems provides access to entry forms for various shows.

Why is a login required for access?

The form submission process uses your basic info to pre-fill forms. More importantly, however, it uses the animals you've setup in your User Info to pre-configure the entry form for easy selection. We find this makes the entry form submission process easier, while providing consistency within the process and helping to reduce data entry errors when signing up multiple animals across multiple classes.

If I forget or lose my password can it be reset?

Yes. There is a reset password link on the login page. This will send a reset email to the address you configured for your account. If you don't see it after a few minutes please check your spam/junk folder, you can also try the reset again.

If you run into issues or otherwise need help to reset your password please email Carolynn Chamlee. We do not have the ability to give you your current password.

Form Entry Q&A

Q: Can I submit forms for multiple people, i.e. different family members?

A: Yes. With the exception of the User's Animal Name/Type list, which is always attached to the signed-in user, all other information within the header section of an entry form can be edited. This allows, for example, parents to submit individual forms in their child's name.

Q: On some forms I see First & Last Name above a section/class. How is this used?

A: First and Last name entries above a section or class are used to individualize those submissions for a particular person, but can be left empty. When the First and Last name boxes for a section or class are left empty, those fields default to the name of the person whose name is set at the top of the form. In short, you only need to fill these in if you want to do multi-person entry in a single form and can, for example, evenly separate out family members per section/class for a given show. Otherwise, it's best to just submit individual forms for each person participating.

Q: Can I edit a form after submission?

A: Editing a submitted form is limited at this time. While you still have the form up right after submission you can hit the back button and make additions, but removing animals is not supported (they still show up after clicking the Submit button again). If you need corrections made to remove animals from a class, or want to make changes later on after you've closed the browser window please email Carolynn Chamlee.